- Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District
- Staff Forms
Human Resources
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Leave Request Form - Maternity
Use this form to request a Maternity Leave of Absence. For assistance, please reach out to Heidi Brown in the Human Resources Department at heidibrown@mersnj.us
New-Critical Illness Leave Request Fillable Form, eff. 9-1-23
Critical Illness days are granted on a case-by-case basis. The medical section of the form must be filled out by a physician and include their stamp. Submissions without the physician's stamp or doctor's notes attached will not be accepted.
Critical illness shall be defined as: [1] a life-threatening condition because of disease or injury; [2] a medical state in which death is possible or imminent; [3] an admission to a hospital for emergent care of a critical condition; or [4] surgery requiring the administration of anesthesia, as certified by a physician. Please note: Critical Illness leave cannot be used for dental services, elective surgeries/procedures, cosmetic surgeries/procedures, or pre-testing services. Please note that sick days may also be utilized as per BOE Policy.
- Employee enters the requested days in Absence Management (aka AESOP) as a sick or personal day(s).
- Employee completes part I on form and signs
- Physician completes part II on form, stamps, and signs
- Once completed, form is sent to Melina Ardizzone, Confidential - Secretary - HR Staff Registrar, or email mardizzone@mersnj.us.
- If approved, the Human Resources Department will update your attendance record to reflect the day(s) and notify you.
New-Discretionary Leave Request Fillable Form, eff. 9-1-23
This form must be completed and approved by the Manalapan-Englishtown Regional Schools Board of Education prior to the leave of absence. As per Policy 3431/4431, unauthorized leave shall constitute a breach of contract and, therefore, may result in the initiation of dismissal procedures, loss of salary, or such disciplinary actions as may be deemed appropriate.
- Employee completes form and signs.
- Employee attaches supporting documentation for the requested leave.
- Immediate Supervisor completes and signs.
- Once completed, form is sent to Melina Ardizzone, Confidential - Secretary - HR Staff Registrar, or email mardizzone@mersnj.us.
- Employee will be notified of the Board’s action via email.
- If approved, the Human Resources Department will update your attendance record to reflect the days.
New-Personal Day/Vacation Day/Bereavement Leave Request Fillable Form, eff. 9-1-23
- Employee enters the requested days in Absence Management (aka AESOP).
- Employee completes form and signs.
- Employee attaches supporting documentation if requesting bereavement days or personal day(s) requiring superintendent's waiver.
- Immediate Supervisor completes and signs.
- Once completed, form is sent to Melina Ardizzone, Confidential - Secretary - HR Staff Registrar, or email mardizzone@mersnj.us.
New Personal Day Vacation Day Bereavement Leave Request Fillable Form.pdf 101.98 KB (Last Modified on September 10, 2023) -
Change in Personal Information Form
If you need to update your address, phone number, or emergency contact, please log on to your Employee Portal to make these changes.
Name changes
Change in Personal Information Form must be completed and sent to heidibrown@mersnj.us in the HR Department.The HR Department will then notify the following departments/people to make the necessary changes within the district for your status change:
• Technology(if needed)
• Payroll
• Supervisors
• Principal & Building Secretary
• Business Office
• Physical PlantPlease note: All name changes must provide a new social security card and license in order to make the change.