Wemrock Brook School

An Award Winning District with a Tradition of Excellence


  • School Logo

    Wemrock Brook School!

    We Believe in Success!

    Welcome to Wemrock Brook School where "WBelieve in Success!" 

    WBelieve that all students should have the opportunity to learn in an environment that fosters understanding and builds upon their strengths. WBelieve in building a strong educational foundation where students have the opportunity to become the best they can be. WBelieve in enhancing students' creative and critical thinking skills by providing a solid foundation of instruction. WBelieve that students will develop a strong sense of character, citizenship, and confidence that will propel them throughout the course of their lives. WBelieve in working hand-in-hand with our staff and parents to create a safe and nurturing environment where students will want to discover and overcome new challenges. WBelieve in the necessity of the qualities of commitment, teamwork, and excellence to help students navigate the complexities of their lives, the community, and the world.

I'm looking for...
  • Report a Safety Threat

  • Report Incidents of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (HIB)

  • Contact Info for NJ School Climate State Coordinator

  • HIB Grade Report

  • Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act

  • Homeless Liaison