• 2023-2024 Assessment Schedule 

    Updated Assessment Letter for Parents This letter provides assessment information and the district assessment schedule for the 2023-2024 school  year. 

    NJSLA Spring 2024

    NJSLA Parent/Guardian Letter

    NJSLA Parent/Guardian Testing Resources

    Statewide Assessment Testing Schedule 2023-2024

    Students in grades 3-8 will take the state-mandated New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) assessments.  These assessments are required by the state to be administered in the spring of this school year in order to fulfill the federal statewide assessment requirement for the 2023-2024 school year. The results from NJSLA testing are a helpful tool in measuring your child’s annual progress in school, and they are just one of the many ways your child’s teachers and administrators can determine whether he or she is on track to being college and career ready.

    Students in grades 3-8 will take assessments in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics, and students in grades 5 and 8 will also take the science assessment.  The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) measures your child’s academic progress as correlated with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. For ELA, the assessment in third grade consists of two 75-minute units. In fourth through eighth grades, the assessment consists of three 90-minute units.  Field testing is included in one of the three ELA units, though the district is not notified which unit is counted for field testing purposes. For mathematics, the assessment in third through eighth grades consists of two 60-minute units. Students enrolled in Algebra I or Geometry will take the Algebra I or Geometry assessment in lieu of the mathematics grade level assessment. These assessments will consist of two 90-minute units. For the science assessments for students in fifth and eighth grades, the assessment is approximately 180 minutes. The assessment must be administered over two days. Please also note that student cell phones and communication devices must be off and away during testing;  and accommodations will be provided as per a student’s Individualized Education Program or 504 plan. 

    **If our district is selected for field testing, a third unit of ELA will be added to grades 3-8. The testing window will be adjusted to reflect such. 

    We anticipate that a report of your child’s assessment results will be provided for you in the late summer or fall, pending results are received from the state.

    The testing window for Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District students is as follows:

    NJSLA ELA Assessments for Grades 3-8

    April 30, 2024 & May 1, 2024

    **Pending no field testing. If field testing is assigned to our district, May 2, 2024 will be added as a testing date for ELA.

    NJSLA Science Assessments for Grades 5 & 8

    May 2, 2024 & May 3, 2024 

    *If an extra unit is needed for ELA, Grade 5 Science testing dates will be adjusted accordingly to a later date in May.

    NJSLA Mathematics Assessments for Grades 3-8

    May 7, 2024; May 8, 2024, & May 9, 2024

    Testing Makeups 

    Makeups will occur throughout the month of May. The testing window closes May 31, 2024 for makeup testing.