• Dear Parents/Guardians,

    Please note the following Student Health Information:


      1. Please update emergency contact numbers each year to ensure the safety of your child.  Be sure to list as your emergency contacts local people who are available during the school day and will have permission to take your child from school.


    1. IMMUNIZATIONS – All immunizations must be up-to-date by the first day of school, or students may be excluded from school. Please send a physician’s verification of any recent inoculations/boosters, etc. to the school nurse. If up-to-date immunization records cannot be provided on the first day of school, please contact your school nurse. If you would like more information on the immunization schedule, please visit the NJDOH website. Please take special note of the following:

      1. PreK Flu Vaccination– Flu vaccination is mandatory for all PreK students. Please forward vaccination verification from your doctor to your school nurse no later than December 15, 2023 or students may be excluded from school.

      2. Grade 6 TDAP & Meningococcal -  Vaccines are required for all entering 6th graders who are 11 years of age or older. If in 6th grade and under age 11, children must receive the vaccines within 2 weeks of their 11th birthday.

      3. Religious exemptions must be written statements by parents/guardians that are signed, dated, include a religious reference, and clarify whether it’s a general or specific vaccine exemption.

      4. Medical exemptions requests must be completed by the student’s physician.


    1. MEDICAL INFORMATION/MEDICATION– As per state regulations, medication may not be dispensed in school.  However, exceptions may be made when necessary for the child’s welfare.  Please note the following:

      1. Please update all medical information for the 2023-2024 school year. If your child no longer has a medical condition and/or no longer needs medication, please provide documentation from your physician.

      2. If your child has a medical condition and/or needs medication in school, please complete the relevant forms. All Medical Forms may be found on the MERS website, www.mersnj.us. To obtain these forms, please click on the Department tab and scroll down to District Nurses. These forms must be completed annually and given to the school nurse by the first day of school.

      3. All prescription medication must be in a labeled prescription bottle or container; all over the counter medication must be in its original bottle or container. Both must be accompanied by Doctor’s orders for the current school year and delivered directly to the school nurse.

      4. The parent/guardian must deliver the medication to the school nurse. Children are not permitted to carry medication to school at any time, unless self administration orders are completed. 

    1. EXTRA-CURRICULAR SPORTS – All students participating in extracurricular sports in grades 6, 7, and 8 must have an up to date physical.  The required physical forms may be printed from the District Nurse page on the district website, www.mersnj.us, and returned to the nurse upon completion. 



      1. Height, weight and blood pressure screenings will be conducted annually for each student in Kindergarten through grade eight.

      2. Vision Acuity Screenings will be conducted biennially for students in Kindergarten through grade eight.

      3. Hearing Acuity Screenings will be conducted annually for students in Kindergarten through grade three, as well as students in grade seven.

      4. Scoliosis screenings shall be conducted for students in fifth and seventh grades.  If the student’s private physician will be providing a scoliosis screening, please indicate that in a written request for exemption from the school scoliosis screening. Please provide this request by Monday, October 2, 2023 and send your school nurse the results of the scoliosis screening by the end of the school year.



      1. Students will be sent home and readmitted to school as per district regulations. Students sent home with symptoms, such as chills, fever, earache, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, skin eruption, running nose, red/discharging eyes, generalized or specific pain, enlarged glands, may return to school when they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

      2. Pediculus Humanus Capitis (Head Lice) – There may be instances of head lice in schools. The following are signs that indicate the presence of lice:  persistent itching of the scalp, the presence of nits (small silvery egg cases attached to individual hairs), and swollen lymph glands in the neck or underarms, which may occur in severe cases. Please check the scalp of your child frequently.  If you think your child may have lice, contact the school nurse so that she can check students  as needed.  Children returning to school following treatment must be checked by the school nurse to see that the treatment has been successful.

    Have a wonderful school year!


    Kimberly DiMarco

    Kimberly DiMarco

    Supervisor of Special Project