• January, 2022

    Our school system is committed to protecting student, teacher and staff health. To do so and be in compliance with the Department of Education regulations, the Manalapan-Englishtown School District tested our schools’ drinking water for lead. 

    In accordance with the Department of Education regulations, Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District has implemented immediate measures for any drinking water outlet with a result greater than the action level of 15 µg/l (parts per billion [ppb]).  This includes turning off the outlets until re-testing and/or remedial action showed lead concentrations were below the action level. 

    Results of our Testing

    Following instructions given in technical guidance developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, we identified and tested all drinking water and food preparation outlets.  Of all the 303 samples taken, all but 19 tested below the lead action level established by the US Environmental Protection Agency for lead in drinking water (15 µg/l [ppb]).

    Additional Resources:

    • The test results and protocol are posted on our website. 
    • The parents of the impacted buildings received a letter indicating the specific water outlets impacted and the remediation implemented by the district. 
    • United States Environmental Protection Agency –  www.epa.gov/lead 
    • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection - https://www.state.nj.us/dep/watersupply/schools.htm.       

    Nicole Santora, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools

Testing Results