• Mission Statement

    The mission of the Manalapan-Englishtown Regional Schools Special Education Parent Advisory Group is to facilitate communication between students, parents, staff, the Board of Education, and the community, with regard to issues surrounding the district's special education programs, for the purpose of advising the Board of Education and administration on matters pertaining to improving the quality of special education district-wide.

    The current members of SEPAG are:
    Jeanine Motroni - Senior Member
    Lisa Strohm
    Melissa Gitlitz
    Jessica Pimm
    Ashley Simonetti

    To contact the Parent Advisory Group:
    E-mail us at sepag@mersnj.us

    Send correspondence to:
    Pupil Personnel Services
    36 Gordons Corner Road
    Manalapan, NJ 07726

    Questions/Inquiries can be made here

  • Special Education Parent Advisory Group

    S.E.P.A.G. is a state-mandated group of parents, educators, and individuals whose goal is to offer an opportunity for parents to have a voice about the educational programs and services offered in the district.   Every year there are at least two scheduled events for parents to share their thoughts and concerns.  These events occur in the fall and spring.  In addition to those two events, SEPAG members may also schedule other activities such as behavioral or educational training and sports or camp fairs to share community information.