

  • Tryout Requirements

    This information is to help you be as prepared as possible for the upcoming seventh/eighth grade baseball tryouts.

    Health and Academic requirements:

    ·It is YOUR responsibility to see the nurse and make sure that you are medically cleared to participate in spring sports. Forms below were distributed at the tryout meeting.

    *Medical Update form - return to the nurse

    *Consent Form - return to the coach

    ·You must be academically eligible to take part in tryouts - As per district policy; you cannot have more than two Ds or one F in one marking period of work. A progress report will be filled out by your teachers prior to tryouts. It MUST reflect sufficient grades and appropriate classroom behavior. 

    ·Not meeting the above requirements before tryouts will prevent you from participating.


    Past accomplishments are not considered in the tryouts. Only what is seen in the few days by the coaching staff will be used in the selection process. You will be evaluated using the criteria discussed at the meeting.

    Good Luck