• Dear Students,

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Ben Franklin

    The following hints are to assist in a successful year: Be Prepared Each Day

    • Always bring a charged Chromebook and something to write with - (at lease two pens and two pencils).
    • Have a well-organized digital folder and notebook: It is recommended that you use a 2-3 inch three ring binder for Social Studies class. Please also have some blank lined paper.
    • Notes and Handouts should be placed in order - based on the way we cover theinformation in class.  Digital documents should have file names for easy retrieval.
    • All Homework assignments must remain in your binder and graded work must be placed back into the binder for future reference. Complete Work On Time and With Care * Start assignments and/or projects early - if you start them too late it will be difficult for me to help you with questions.
    • When absent or you miss a class - talk to a friend or find time to see Mr. Tumbleson for what you missed. DO NOT ask for work during class time.
    • Assignments turned in one day late is 50% of actual grade.
    • Assignments turned in any later will result in a zero. (Please see classroom "Guidelines and Procedures" for further explanation)
    • Participate in Class and Pay Attention
    • Stay involved and on-task, especially while working in groups.
    • Raise your hand
    • Respect everyone's comments, questions, or opinions. 
    • Study for Assessments (Tests or Quizzes)  There will be a study guide provided for every assessment. You will be successful on the assessment if you: review the study guide, look over your notes, ask questions before class about something that confuses you, and start studying 4-5 days before the assessment. 
    • Remember the Class Rules - Be Nice, Work Hard - Be Respectful & Responsible (Please see classroom "Guidelines and Procedures" for further explanation)

    These hints were posted to help you have a successful year in Social Studies - Feel free to apply them in other classes. I'm sure that they will work there too!

    Good Luck,

    Mr. Tumbleson

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
    Sir Winston Churchill
    "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work,
    and learning from failure."
    Colin Powell