Pine Brook School

An Award Winning District with a Tradition of Excellence


  • At Pine Brook School, we provide a high-quality education by promoting academic, emotional, and cultural development in a nurturing setting. Our motto is:

    Sail to Success by Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!

    Students learn in an active environment that recognizes individual differences. High expectations strengthen our students’ content area knowledge. Our teachers facilitate educational opportunities that are rigorous, relevant, and enhanced by technology. Our students leave us as global citizens prepared to engage as 21st century learners.

    Go, Pirates!
    Pine Brook


I'm looking for...
  • Report a Safety Threat

  • Report Incidents of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (HIB)

  • HIB Grade Report

  • Contact Info for NJ School Climate State Coordinator

  • Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act