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In order to meet the needs of a growing community, Milford Brook School was built in 1972. The school was named after the Milford Brook, which gave waterpower for local grist, flour, & sawmills, including Lafayette Mills, in the late 1800's.
Milford Brook School is one of five elementary schools in the Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District; it provides educational services to students in kindergarten through grade five. The school is a "home-away-from-home" for approximately five hundred and forty kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grade students for six and a half hours per day. Milford Brook School is one of two elementary schools in the district that houses the ELL program in grades K-5. Over fifty teachers work collaboratively to provide an engaging learning experience in classes that typically range in size from twenty to twenty-five students. The children learn to function in a cooperative and respectful environment very early in the year, and they then branchout to explore interesting and challenging units of study. Support and enrichment services are provided by supplemental staff which includes an RTI teacher and two intervention teachers who support student learning in language arts literacy and mathematics; ELL teachers; and Title I teachers and provides push-in and pull-out support.
As the children progress through each grade, the classroom program escalates to provide new learning opportunities. The staff takes a great deal of pride in offering an outstanding academic program through commitment, dedication, and enthusiasm. The teachers consistently differentiate instruction and modify/adapt curriculum units to provide an interdisciplinary program. By utilizing a multi-faceted approach to language arts instructions, teachers provide students with a balanced literacy program that integrates the use of myriad resources. Such resources include the use of leveled, multi-genre texts, coupled with the adaptation of authentic texts to strengthen reading skills. In addition, language arts instruction is also focused on enhancing the learners' skills as related to academic vocabulary, writing, and differentiated spelling and word patterns. Throughout the year, students acquire and develop decoding skills, fluency, and extensive comprehension strategies through participation in author studies; book talks; Teachers College, Project Read and Making Meaning supported lessons; the Daily 5; guided reading sessions; and strategy groups. Mathematics skills and concepts are supported with a hands-on approach to foster understanding and an appreciation for the world of numbers. In addition, mathematics instruction is supported through the adaptation of the Pearson Envision 2.0 Math program and through the implementation of centers through the implementation of the Daily 3 structure in most classrooms. Smart Boards, classroom computers, communicators, document cameras, iPads, Google Classroom, Google Expedition virtual reality headsets, and Chrome Books are utilized to engage learners and enhance learning.
A focus on academic learning highlights our full-day kindergarten program, where students are exposed to the same balanced literacy approach as their grades 1-5 counterparts. Highlighting their achievement is the successful implementation of a reading and writing workshop model using the Teachers College Units of Study to support instruction.
Units of study covered by the science program include environment, weather, forces & motion, and planet Earth. United States history, geography, and the local community are important components of the social studies curriculum.
Learning is supported for all learners at Milford Brook School as the Problem Solving Team members collaborate with each other and classroom teachers to screen and pre-identify students who are in need of supportive services. Pre-identified students are assigned to one of the three tiers outlined in the Response to Intervention model implemented within the school. During the school year, the Problem Solving Team continues to collaborate with each other and classroom teachers to discuss the progress and effectiveness of interventions for these pre-identified students; the team also seeks to assist teachers who refer struggling students for Tier I, Tier II, and/or Tier III interventions. The goal of the Problem Solving Team is to identify the underlying problem which may be hindering a child's growth and to develop an effective intervention plan to support this area. Student learning is progress monitored weekly to determine if growth is evident or to support a new set of interventions which may be needed.
The special subjects provide the children with a variety of motivating and interesting learning experiences. Art classes study the products of the masters and engage students in activities of individual artistic expression. During physical education, children stretch, run, twist, and jump with their classmates to help develop young bones and muscles. Vocal and instrumental music classes provide the opportunity for students to learn about each family of instruments and to develop a love of music. A highlight of our general music program is the use of a full class piano lab where all students apply knowledge of musical theory to musical practice. The Media Center is a treasure of printed materials to interest and excite readers of all talents. Students participate in weekly Rosetta Stone sessions to acquire World Language skills.
Of special focus is our commitment towards developing good character traits within our students. Particular attention is given to the six pillars of character, which consist of the traits of caring, fairness, citizenship, trustworthiness, respect and self-control. Through the monthly selection of "Citizens of the Month" from each homeroom class, students are recognized for exceptional behavior and for their extraordinary focus on showcasing the six pillars of character through their everyday choices. The school counselor works with each classroom across the grade levels to teach and reinforce concepts of Social Thinking and to help students understand appropriate social cues and to foster positive interactions between their peers. Additionally, other positive behavior intervention supports (PBIS) are implemented throughout our school to help motivate our learners to be ready and to "do the right thing." Students can earn gold Paw Print slips as recognition for going above and beyond to show their character and are then rewarded through a lottery of monthly prizes. Supporting the social and emotional learning of our students is just as essential. Classrooms have established calming corners to help reinforce important concepts of self-regulation and understanding our feelings and emotions; brain breaks are built in throughout the day; and a sensory hallway is available.
Furthermore, the Milford Brook Student Council meets monthly and continues to make contributions to the school and the local community. In addition to collaborating with the school counselor to sponsor a Thanksgiving Food Drive, students involved in the Student Council assisted with the school's annual Giving Tree gift-giving drive to help support local families during the holiday season.
The help of volunteers in the classrooms and a very active Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) are two of the school's greatest assets; their support is integral to the success of our school. Our highly competent staff and involved parents, who together value the importance of education, help us build self-confident, independent, and well-educated children. Milford Brook School is a strong, cohesive learning community that puts children's needs first and which strives to maintain a vision of "Excellence in Education," so that our students successfully learn, grow, and succeed.Melissa Tice Mitch KivorPrincipal Assistant Principal
FROM THE NORTH: Proceed south on either the Garden State Parkway or New Jersey Turnpike. From Parkway exit 123, take Route 9 south. From Turnpike exit #11, also take Route 9 south. If you take the parkway, be careful to keep to the right at the Raritan toll Plaza after crossing the big bridge. Exit 123 is the second exit after the toll and comes up very quickly. Proceed on "9" for approximately 12-15 miles. When you see a development called "Covered Bridge", look for signs indicating "Gordons Corner Road", "Englishtown". Take this exit and keep to the right onto Gordons Corner Road. Stay on this road for approximately three miles. When you pass the Clark Mills School on the right, make first right onto Pension Road (Approx. 1/4 mile). Turn right onto Pension and take the 2nd right after that, which is Globar Terrace. This will take you right into the school driveway.
FROM THE SOUTH: Take Route 9 north. After passing Freehold Raceway, look for a sign indicating Gordons Corner Road (approx. 7 miles). This will come up after passing a Mobile Gas Station, followed by a WAWA. Pass under the overpass and take the first right. Turn right again and pass over Route 9. Follow the Gordons Corner sign. When you are on Gordons Corner Road, follow the directions from that point above. FROM N.J. TURNPIKE SOUTH: Exit 8 to Route 33 East. Take Route 33 for approximately 9 miles. Take the second Englishtown jughandle. Cross over Route 33 and proceed approximately three miles on Iron Ore Rd. to the end. At fork bear left onto High Bridge Rd. to S. Main St., which turns into N Main St ( Rt. 527). Bear right at Exxon Station onto Gordons Corner Road and make the first quick left onto Pension Rd. and then make the 2nd right, which is Globar Terrace. This will lead into our school driveway.
FROM ROUTE 18 NORTH: Exit "Morganville, Tennent" (This is shortly after the exits for Freehold) Turn right at the exit (Tennent Rd.) Follow Tennent Rd. As you go over Route 9, vere to the right and make a quick left onto Gordon's Corner Road. Stay on this road for approximately three miles. When you pass the Clark Mills School on the right, make first right onto Pension Road (Approx. 1/4 mile). Turn right onto Pension and take the 2nd right after that, which is Globar Terrace. This will take you right into the school driveway.